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tv   9 News Now Tonight  CBS  January 12, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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the defense secretary has ordered a full investigation saying in a statement that i have seen the footage and i find the behavior depicted in it utterly deplorable. the secretary of state, hillary clinton, echoed the event. >> anyone who has participated, known about it, having engaged in such conduct, must be held fully accountable. >> they serve their nations honorably. >> reporter: the identities of the people have not been formally released. officials do believe they are a part of the third battalion regimen based here in north carolina, which returned from the deplorement in september or december of last year. more than 100,000 marines remained in afghanistan and they said that the image has damaged the u.s. credibility. >> our enemy should be thanking us for the recruiting video that they now have available to
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them. >> reporter: at this point, there are at least two investigations. desecrating the body could be considered a potential war crime. in washington, i'm emily schmidt. >> the senior u.s. military official says that the navy's ncis team will taking the lead in this investigation. they have called on the united states to hand down the harshest punishment possible. what type of charges could these marines be facing? i'm joined by two experts to talk about it. he has worked two decades as the military defense center and i'm glad to have you both with us. because this is a shocking situation. you're talking about war crimes. what does that mean to the u.s. military? what kind of crimes could these two men be charged with? >> the u.s. code of military justice, they will prosecute people for the violation. so desecration of the corpse.
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>> is that a fair charge? is that how it works? >> i think it is one charge that it could come about. and there are other charges, derek, such as an article 134, article 133 of things. the conduct on becoming prejudice to get ordered and disciplined. and not becoming the officer. any one of those. but it will be important to look at the context of this in which occurred in afghanistan. that is the situation into account. >> that's why it's a war crime. you know. and this kind of conduct, it's made of the violation of the law of work. first because it's wrong. the story of the moral combat. even though sometimes you could relate to the horrors and the frustrations of the
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battlefield. it will be enlightened. otherwise you don't have discipline organizations, you don't fight according to the rules. and that it does not come as quickly or certainly. >> and i think that, you know, i will represent the specialist, parker. now, he killed four family members in iraq. and he did not receive the maximum punishment. americans, they will understand, they understand that when people see that battled buddy get blown up, they understand that people, they could do things that are are wrong, things that will violate the war. and you know what, they could put it in the proper context. i think that's the situation that the military justice system will take care of it. and that will be the biggest political problem for the united states, especially when we were gaining ground with the taliban with the negotiations. >> yes, that's a very sensitive time as you have pointed out with the united states, trying
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to make some negotiations with the leaders in the taliban. but now due to the commanding officers of these men, facing any charges if you see any responsibility as to what went down. >> yes, that's the right question. when you look at the investigation, you have the immediate investigation as to the four men. but the military, of course, so you have the criminal investigation of the potential responsibilities. and certainly the military, they will look at it. and what lead us to that point that these four individuals, they thought they could do this. and to what extent of that representative for the breakdown in discipline, leadership problems, the training programs. i think that would all be an appropriate part of the investigation. >> it's bizarre to me that the whole thing ended up online anyway. but that's the stage we're in right now. we'll switch subject. right now, the private first class, he has been recommended for a court marshal. and he is, as some may know, the guy accused of giving the u.s. secrets to wikileaks. what's likely to happen to him and how serious are the charges
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he is facing? >> they are certainly very serious, derek. no doubt about it. i think that you're going to see the pre-trial agreement reached in the not too distant feature. i don't expect this case to be litigated from the contestant trial standpoint. but i also think that, you know, the army will want to get rid of it. you're likely to see the pre- trial agreement. in his interest to do so. one could argue about the technicalities. whether or not manning was attempting to throw the light here on some very difficult things. at the end of the day, he owed the duties to them and if you assume, you know, or you conclude that everything that the united states has presented is true. >> that will have to be the final word. thank you, we appreciate it. we'll move on.
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police have two people in custody after questioning three teenagers who were shot this morning in southeast washington. each shot in a difficult location, starting around 9:30 a.m., including one right in front of the martin later king jr. elementary school. in southeast washington, schools, they were put on lockdown after three separate shootings. it happened at the same time. one victim shot in the 3,300 block. and both those victims, they have non-life threatening injuries. but they shot right in front of the school and they are in critical condition. they found clothes on the drive here. and about five new blocks away here in mississippi. they found a weapon that appears to be a .9 millimeter. parents say they are ongoing problems in this neighborhood. >> they need to put an end to it. it does not make sense. our child will be okay. >> yes. that will be there. >> it is very troubling.
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you know, some of these chides could have been harmed. the former virginia governor will be facing a new challenger this year in the senate race. he says he's going to run for that republican nomination as well. now, marshall lost his campaign committee earlier this week. he says he had file his paperwork to officially enter the race next week. he is now the fifth republican running for the seat being vacated by the democrat, jim webb. now to the race for the presidential candidate. mitt romney is picking up a big endorsement in the commonwealth today. the former governor, announcing that he is supporting romney for the gop bid. he almost said that he is a candidate that could be president barack obama and to put the values into action. well, the weather will not stop. snow on monday. today, almost 60. now we're hearing that the temperatures are on the way.
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topper is live from down at the museum tonight. top, what's next? >> well, maybe a little snow shower. i'll keep my activity down here for the launch. and that will begin in a week. we'll talk more about that in just a minute. first thing is first. we were 257 today and the temperatures were primarily still in the 60s, believe it or not. that is still a ways away. and 50 here in reston. and even 55 in arlington and bethesda as you work your way up here in rockville. and the satellite picture, radar combined. that will show the rain and showers now, entering west virginia. those are the showers late tonight. another couple hours, it will be dry here. and late tonight, probably midnight. if they do. the colder air will move in and you could see them change by dawn here. and do not anticipate any problems with the roads whatsoever. they will make it back into the 30s. we'll come back and talk about wnew. we're going to partner with them and we'll provide weather
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for 99.1. again, their launch date is next week. and weather every four minutes. we'll talk about that and meet some of the news anchors as you come back with the full weather. back to you. >> thank you, top. coming up, banned from walking to school. why everybody, they will be riding the bus in one northern virginia school. but first, the the local community will be honoring the bravery of the fallen soldier. after they say their final good- byes. we'll be back with more.
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the family and the friend of the soldier killed in afghanistan gathered today for that man's funeral. the services for the 30-year- old army specialist was held this morning at the fire company activities building. that's in woodsboro, maryland. they were killed by the roadside bomb and he will be buried tomorrow. at arlington national cemetery that is. and not going to happen. that's what the maryland state senate president mike miller says about raising the state's sales tax. in fact, he assured that it would not, when he spoke about the state's economic development association today. it's a way to pay for a $1 billion deficit and for more road and bridge work. but miller believes that the gas tax hike, i should say, that it is by far the better option. we all know that the arctic air is headed our way. could it possibly be acomp
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anied by some snow? top will give us the full story in his forecast coming up. but first, arrested and charged for selling trash? why one new york man says that's exactly what is happening here. we'll go into details in just a few minutes.
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one man's trash is another man's treasure. john jones said he has made
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thousands of dollars selling discarded subway cards he finds on the streets. >> this is over 100 cards. and each card in this stack, they have $1 more on it. >> reporter: he regularly looks around for these cards and finds them on the streets. they have balances on them. he has made the practice of reselling them. selling a $5 card for $4, for example. it turns out though, that this whole practice is illegal. and jones says he has been arrested several times for trying to sell the cards, but he has no plans to stop doing it. now, jones, he will be in court later on this month overall. but should what he does even be a crime? and those cards, they would be thrown away and folks walking down the street could use them without a problem, why should selling them be against the law? or is his action the same as stealing? now weigh in. the address is if you happen to live a block away from your child's school,
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you would expect that your son or daughter would be able to walk to class, right? one elementary school is actually considered unwalkable and every student there is assigned to a bus, even if they live right around the corner. however, as peggy fox tells us, the parents there, they are pushing to make the school walkable again. >> reporter: there is nothing wrong with being bussed to school. it just doesn't seem right when you live across the street. >> no matter how close you are, they will try to push you on out there. >> i think that people, they drive way too fast. >> reporter: it's a commuter route to washington. many drivers, they will speed and they don't often stop at the crosswalk. parents say there is rarely police enforcement. >> we live just a quarter mile up the road. if we had a sidewalk that will come down this road, then it would be easier for the kids right here to, you know, to walk to school. but instead, you know, they are bussed. >> reporter: several students like oliver garcia walk their kids to school. the system doesn't commit children to walk by themselves here, nor will they be safe. >> that's the problem. it's a terrible issue. you know, we are all trying to
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build the better communities. it would seem reasonable if you are here. and now, since they are not used to stopping at crosswalks, you really need a crossing guard here before and after school. and other schools around here, they have them. and in fact, they used to have a crossing guard, and to justify the expense of a crossing guard, they seem to have a certain number of walkers, says the supervisor. >> and i think that there are some things they could do. and you will not be able to do anything that you want. we could make the improvements. >> reporter: he said that the sidewalks right in front of the school, it could be done, but down the road, it could be difficult. a state-owned road where there are no curbs, they require sidewalks to be ten feet back. now, getting e easements from property owners, that will not be easy, says staff. and they were getting them to install a light or speed bump. in mccrlain, 9news now. a meeting with the supervisor and the fairfax county police, they are just getting underway now at chester brook. they are talking about safer roads. and by the way, they are one of
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seven schools here that have no designated walkers. we'll get down to topper shutt at the museum. and the weather news, it is, as always, it's been lately interesting. >> reporter: yes, it certainly will be. now, mind me, the presentation will continue. i'll introduce you to that here. how are you? >> we're great. >> yes. that will be abc for seven years. >> and how excited are you? >> this is the most exciting thing for us ever. you never get to see the start of something like this big and this exciting. we are thrilled that it will be a great station. we're going to cover local news hard for maryland and virginia and the district. we're going to be your source. >> all right.
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>> no one gets to be on that thing. you know, a great start up. but highly capitalized. we are excited about where we will be able to provide with the local news coverage. i have the background here to be able to do some of that as well. >> yeah. >> we should mention that it will be a cbs radio station. it will be a natural partnership for us to provide the weather for you. okay, congratulations, you better get up on stage. all right, thank you, guys. we'll talk a little bit about weather and look at the live weather cam, brought to you by michael and so you thinks -- michael and sons. temperatures, 55 downtown, 54 in bethesda and rockville. still 54 in leesburg. the cold air is not here yet. nowhere near that live shot. temperatures will not begin to tank until 3:00 in the morning. right now, we're looking at
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temperatures in the low 50s. we're looking at 50s up into baltimore. now, there is the satellite picture radar combined. you'll notice the snow left the back edge here on eastern kentucky. that's what could happen here. rain showers after midnight. they may end briefly, the snow showers, very early by dawn on friday. and not anticipating any problems on the roads at all. >> okay, we'll break it down for you. showers are possibly changing to show showers by dawn. low temperatures in the 30s. the winds will increase, 10 to 20 and gusty. we don't normally associate that with an arctic front, that will be the direction of the winds. normally we take more of a northwesterly wind. by morning, windy and cold. some flurries are possible. periods of sun and clouds and temperatures in the 30s right now at 15 to 25 and gusty. by the afternoon hours, pretty much the same deal. temperatures really don't go up at all. but dress for the 20s because of the windchills. and these west southwest winds,
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they will become westerly in the afternoon at 15 to 25 and they will drive the windchills into the 20s. we do have a wind advisory to the west. the potomac high lands into the mountains. gust up there at cumberland and oakland, around 50 miles per hour. probably in the 30s and the 35 miles per hour range. and the high temperatures, well, they are in the 30s. but remember, dress for the 20s. 36, maybe in leesburg and 39 in arlington. all right, we'll break it down. to start, we're looking at temperatures in the 30s. you'll notice that they will not go anywhere. we're looking at 30s pretty much across the boards in the morning by noon and also by evening hours. okay, maybe a flurry for you early, maybe a flurry late. the next seven days, we are cold through the holiday weekends. it will be a little milder though for martin luther king day back in the 40s. rain is possible on tuesday. and then colder again on wednesday and thursday and we do have a flake on sunday. you could see a flurry or a snow shower on sunday, but no organized snowstorms in sight. just some arctic air for the next 72 hours. derek, back to you.
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>> thank you, top. we'll be right back.
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in the mail bag tonight. plentiful reactions to the youtube video with the u.s. marines and the dead taliban
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fighters. dan from rockville says, i agree. the video that has reportedly shown the u.s. marines urinating on the corpse is disturbing. however, so is the fact that the islamic gihadist fighters chop off their heads. now, we have this one. what is worse? riddling the taliban soldiers with bullets and killing them? or urinating on their dead bodies? what is inhumane? war is. now, that's the answer for anybody that weighs in on this. picture yourself on the daily basis. sitting in that area, fighting a cowardly enemy, who would rather drop the bomb and blow themselves up. does anyone know what that is like? if you have not been through it, you don't know what it is like. but i know how outraged we were when they dragged the bodies of our service people through the streets. do you remember that one? and as weird as it may sound, even in the pursuit where the goal is killing before you will get killed, there are some lines that we are not suppose to cross.
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finally, our good friend devin from arlington had this to say about yesterday's story whether or not sesame street could resume segments on breast- feeding. i say no to breast-feeding on sesame street. it's just let kids be kids. at least for a while. that's right, they will have to grow up soon enough. that's our broadcast. i'll be right back here with you tomorrow night at 11:00. we'll see you then. bye.
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now, "entertainment tonight," the most watched entertainment newsmagazine in the world. s who is khloe kardashian's father? mom kris speaks out. >> i gave birth. i know who the dad was. >> our take on the new claims. who's lying? >> that's completely not true. >> and is the smoking gun inside these court papers? then, cameron diaz looking curvier up top, the before and after. did she have breast enhancement surgery? is katy perry having russell's belongings removed from their home? plus the fallout behind her no-show at the people's choice awards. and all of the fashions. and my candid moments backstage with the winners. >> people don't know that we have to talk like this. >> i don't think you ever recover from "dancing with the stars."


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